Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween Everyone

Happy Halloween Everyone!! 
Here are some Trick-R-Treating Safety Tips to keep in mind when heading out for those couple hours with your little monsters :)

  1.  Never send your children out by themselves to trick-or-treat, especially in strange neighborhoods. Stick to neighborhoods you’re familiar with, and stick with your children.
  2. Teach your young children to only take one piece of candy and to always remember to say thank you.
  3.  If you allow your pre-teens to trick-or-treat without adult supervision, establish a reasonable hour when they must be home. 
  1. Inspect what treats your child receives. Tampering with treats is not unheard of. Be suspicious of open wrappers or homemade food items such as candy apples.
  2. For toddlers, chewy candies, like gum and taffy, and peanuts should not be eaten because they are potential choking hazards.
  3. Chewy candy, like caramel, is also unhealthy for teeth because they stick to them longer, increasing the risk of developing cavities. Have children brush their teeth right after eating.
  4. Limit the amount of candy your child consumes or spread the candy out for the next week or two. Certain candies, even the bite-size ones, contain a huge amount of sugar and saturated fat.
  5. Make sure to give your children a hearty, healthy meal before going out to trick-or-treat so they don’t get tired or hungry along the way, and don’t overindulge in candy when they get home.
Thanks LifeScript

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